Jewish wedding music-Jewish Folk Rock Groups

High-Energy Jewish Music Trio Pey Dalid Hits Stage April 7

Pey Dalid is a trio of brothers who play high-energy Jewish music. Additionally, they perform a spectrum of Jewish liturgical music blended with reggae, jazz, hip hop and rock. At this time, they will perform at Tikvat Israel Congregation in Rockville at 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 7.

Indeed, Mordechai, Shlomo and Pesach Walker, based in New York City, have performed together for nearly 20 years, spreading a message of unity and peace. Their most record album, recorded in Hebrew, is titled “Hashem Melech – The 12 Tribes.”

The concert will be produced by Cantor Rochelle Helzner and Tikvat Israel Congregation.

General admission tickets are $25 in advance ($30 at the door). Sponsorship begins at $180 for a pair of unreserved seats in the synagogue’s social hall. Four tickets and a post-concert reception are available for $360. Additional sponsorship levels are also available for reserved seating.

Tikvat Israel is located at 2200 Baltimore Road, Rockville.

High-Energy Jewish Music

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